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LSD Symposium

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Souvenirs: T-Shirts, Buttons, Special edition of Gaia Media News



We only have a few T-Shirts with the official Logo LSD Sorgenkind und Wunderdroge and the details of the Symposium in Basel left. The size is XL but rather corresponds to an L or an M.

Within Europe the price for one T-Shirt incl. postage is EUR 28.00; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent to you as soon as we receive the money with the reference: T-Shirt

Outside Europe the price for one T-Shirt incl. postage is USD 37.00; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent as soon as we receive the money with the reference: T-Shirt


Within Europe the Buttons with the official Logo LSD Sorgenkind und Wunderdroge and the details of the Symposium in Basel are EUR 8.00 each, incl. postage; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent as soon as we receive the money with the reference: Button

Outside Europe the price for one Button incl. postage is USD 10.00; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent as soon as we receive the money with the reference: Button

Special issue of Gaia Media News
LSD – Sorgenkind und Wunderdroge

Main articles: The Molecule that Changed the World, Schweizer Halluzinogene, Psychedelics and the Vision of the Sixties, Der Geist von Basel, LSD and Aldous Huxley’s Island: Setting Sail for a Better Country, Guru oder Chemiker, Thank you for Hofmann’s Potion et al., including an interview with it Albert Hofmann by Lucius Werthmüller.
Authors: Hans Cousto, Bruce Eisner, Ulrich Holbein, Stanley Krippner, Nicolas Langlitz, Ralph Metzner, Jeremy Narby, David E. Nichols, Werner Pieper, Wolfgang Sterneck, Myron J. Stolaroff, Wolf-Dieter Storl, Peter Webster, Fred Weidmann amongst others.
Color portraits of Albert Hofmann by Dean Chamberlain and Alex Grey and black and white illustrations throughout.

German/English, 21 x 29.7 cm
28 pages, limited edition
Gaia Media Foundation, EUR 4.00 • USD 5.00

Within Europe the Special issue of Gaia Media News is EUR 6.00 per copy, incl. postage; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent as soon as we receive the money with the reference: Issue 1/06

Outside Europe the Special issue of Gaia Media News is USD 7.00; please send the money to the address below, or remit the amount through PayPal to our account, and the item will be sent as soon as we receive the money with the reference: Issue 1/06

Special price for all 3 items: EUR 32.00 / USD 38.00 only!

Gaia Media Foundation
PO Box 350
CH 4003 Basel

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